Archive | January, 2012

Wendy Brown in Spain

9 Jan


After a long and very patient wait our house was finally finished in Almeria province near Albox. We have had many hurdles along with lots of other ex-pats, we set sail from Portsmouth last May and have now settled down with our animals who made the great voyage!!!! It was an experience for all of us.

For us it is an adventure of a lifetime – so different to the life we had in the UK – we have luckily made very good friends with the Spanish and Brits which is very encouraging when you leave your nest and move south for the warmth and culture of another country.

Our little shop is cute and the Spanish children peep their heads around the shop door – they love their sweets but are used to what they know but I have my dictionary at hand and am struggling in my Spanglish but each day proves a little of a challenge but rewarding when you are actually understood in their language.

Love to have you visit us



9 Jan

Our English Sweet Shop in Spain